Digital Media maker challenge 2019
Let’s make.
Register to be part of the digital media industry's first #mediamakerchallenge. Change the way PR professionals, journalists, bloggers and influencers get things done.
🚀 📰 🤳🏾 📊
You can either submit a project that is less than six months old or you have 30-days to create and submit your Digital Media Maker Challenge product (or products).
Efficient and effective way to get journalists what they want
Use tech to solve problems in (or out) of newsrooms
New website to identify, resource to vet and contact B2B influencers
No-code workflow to submit, identify and respond to urgent media opportunities
Better way to find and report PR, social and other metrics
What you make matters. It can be a {new} app, website, no-code work flow or product.
Who can enter? Anyone who is interested in creating products to better the digital media industry, improve workflow, better connect people and help get information out.
Don’t worry. You own your creation, always. This is an online event to help encourage makers and incentivize disruption.